Sqlite in NodeJS
Hello Sqlite
Ejemplo de una tabla simple en Sqlite (bookmarks)
- Tutorial: your first app in 30 minutes
- gitHub repo
- Fork in ULL-ESIT-SYTW-1617
- Documentacion de node-sqlite3
- Sqlite Database Documentation
Enlaces para entender el código Fork in ULL-ESIT-SYTW-1617
- app.engine(ext, callback)
- How can I get the list of a columns in a table for a SQLite database?
db.get("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='bookmarks'", function(err, row) { ... })
app.render(view, [locals], callback)
res.render('index.pug', {bookmarks: rows}, function(err, html) { res.status(200).send(html); });