When your book is created on gitbook.com, you need to push some content to it. To do so, you can use the online editor or the command line.

If you want to update your book from the command line, you can use GIT to push your content:


Each book is associated with a Git HTTPS url. The ssh protocol is not yet supported on the GitBook's git server.

The format for the git url is:



The git server is using your basic GitBook login to authenticate you. When prompted enter your GitBook username and your password (you can also use your API token).

There is no SSH key with GitBook (only https is supported for now, not ssh). If you get an error 403 is because the credentials (username/password) are invalid.

If you not prompted to enter it, you can append the username/password to the url like this:

https://username:[email protected]/marshallshen/ruby-api-best-practices.git

Saving your credentials

To avoid having to enter your password on each new push, you can add your GitBook credentials to your ~/.netrc file. Create or append to an existing ~/.netrc file something like below:

machine git.gitbook.com
  password API-TOKEN-or-PASSWORD

We recommend using your API TOKEN for security reasons, you can find it in your settings/tokens

Problems when Authenticating?

Create a new repository on the command line

Supuesto que el libro se ha creado en GitBook y hemos obtenido su URL y queremos forzar sus contenidos con nuestros contenidos locales:

touch README.md SUMMARY.md
git init
git add README.md SUMMARY.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add gitbook https://git.gitbook.com/{{UserName}}/{{Book}}.git
git push -u -f gitbook master

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