- Chai
- Unit Test Your JavaScript Using Mocha and Chai by Jani Hartikainen, January 26, 2016 SitePoint
- Testing your frontend JavaScript code using mocha, chai, and sinon by Nicolas Perriault
- Get your Frontend JavaScript Code Covered by Nicolas Perriault
- Github repo crguezl/mocha-chai-sinon-example with Nicolas examples
- Podemos encontrar un ejemplo de unit testing en JavaScript en el browser con el testing framework Mocha y Chai en el repositorio https://github.com/ludovicofischer/mocha-chai-browser-demo: An example setup for unit testing JavaScript in the browser with the Mocha testing framework and Chai assertions
- Testing in Browsers and Node with Mocha, Chai, Sinon, and Testem
- A Journey Through Client-Side Testing with JavaScript